What is Gift Aid?

Gift Aid is a form of tax relief which allows UK charities to reclaim an extra 25% in tax on every eligible donation made by a UK taxpayer.  This means we can claim back from the government 25p for every £1 donated. This boosts the value of your donation by a quarter, without costing you anything.   

Do I qualify for gift aid?  

For WLAC to be able to claim back Gift Aid on your donation, you must:  

  • be a UK taxpayer 

  • have paid UK Income or Capital Gains Tax in the current tax year at least equivalent to the amount of Gift Aid reclaimed on your donations in the same period.

Therefore, if your income is below £12,570 (for April 2021-April 2022), which is the amount you can earn without paying income tax, you won’t be able to claim Gift Aid at all.  


How can I change my Gift Aid status with WLAC?  

We will keep a note of your Gift Aid status on file.  If your Gift Aid status changes for any reason, drop us an email at to let us know. 


What if I am not a UK taxpayer?  

The Gift Aid scheme is a tax relief scheme unique to the UK. If you are not a UK taxpayer you can still make a donation to WLAC, but your donation will not be eligible for Gift Aid.  


What if I don’t live in the UK?  

If you live overseas, you can still claim Gift Aid provided that you are a UK taxpayer and can satisfy the Gift Aid declaration in the donation process.  


Gift Aid on Company Donations  

A company can claim tax relief on a donation when donating directly to the charity. 


Benefits to higher-rate taxpayers  

If you pay tax at the higher rate, you can reclaim tax relief on your gross donation at 20% (i.e. the difference between the higher rate of tax at 40% and the basic rate at 20%).  Keep a copy of your donation history, and print this out and attach it to your tax return upon submission.

What is WLAC's eligibility critera? Can you signpost to another service?

WLAC work with families that are

  • resident in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea (RBKC) or the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham (LBHF)


  • on low incomes and in receipt of benefits (i.e. Tax Credits, Universal Credit (UC), Income Support, Job Seekers Allowance (JSA)

If your family / subject of referral does not meet this criteria, you may find the organisations listed HERE useful.