Brook Green Neighbourhood Nosh raises over £6,000!

Thanks to the Coronation in May, for one year only the Neighbourhood Nosh took place in June.

On a balmy evening, 110 guests gathered to enjoy Prosecco and canapés in the beautiful Brook Green garden of Benjamin Faes and Maider Laurrari.  Karen Bassett gave the guests a short talk about WLAC’s work, particularly focusing on a case study from her work in family therapy. The guests then dispersed to 10 separate houses for a delicious main course, from where they then went off to a different house for pudding and cheese. The streets of Brook Green were filled with glamourous guests criss-crossing from one house to another, whilst inside the hosts’ houses the randomly gathered guests were enjoying good food and wine and great conversation. Everyone enjoyed catching up with old friends and making new ones.

Our thanks go to all the hosts for their generosity in opening up their homes to Nosh guests, to all the guests for taking part and donating so generously, and to Finlay Brewer for sponsoring all the Prosecco and wine. We’re delighted to announce the Nosh raised over £6000 to support WLAC’s work.


The Housing Crisis


7 new bikes for clients - thank you to O3e!