Individual Counselling and Therapy


“I’m so much more confident and clear about my goals and dreams in life. I feel free to maintain friendships in a way that feels good for me, without the pressure to explain myself to my ex. I’m enjoying my career and rediscovering myself and my passions.“


What is Individual Counselling and Therapy?

We use a variety of clinically effective therapies, including CBT, solution-focused, psychodynamic, and integrative to support with parenting issues and transitions such as the birth of a child, the challenge of teenagers, family separations, bereavement, experiences of abuse and violence, mental health concerns and relationship issues.


What to expect

An initial consultation with the a therapist and, if necessary, your social worker.

You will be assigned a regular therapist and each session lasts just under an hour.

Therapy is delivered by one of our fully-qualified psychotherapists and takes place at the office or over the telephone/zoom.

The work continues until you feel ready to end the sessions, but generally our clients tell us they have experienced positive changes within 10 sessions.



Improvements in:

  • resilience

  • social and emotional wellbeing

  • self-esteem and self-confidence

  • family relationships

  • interaction with the community

  • ability to make positive choices


How to get a referral

Anyone caring for a child aged 18 or under, on low income & resident in either borough can be or under referred by a professional or self-refer by contacting WLAC at



Katherine Brown

I’m a Canadian living in the United Kingdom - London to be exact. I’m a business person with an eye for modern design. I’m a customer marketer who thinks like a customer. I’m a design thinker who also happens to be a designer.

I’ve worked at senior marketing levels in large corporations like American Express and Sky TV. I’ve worked agency side, leading digital client accounts. I’ve been part of several start-ups, sat on Angel Investing teams and run my own design and print studio.

In 2021, I started Ascender Creative to help small businesses with big plans build their online credibility and create better customer connections. I do this by taping into my 20+ years of business experience mixing it with a strong customer focus and a big dose of creativity.



CAMEO Parent & Toddler Group